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Monday, 15 Nov


Annual Research Conference 2021

Organised by EU Commission


Annual Research Conference 2021

The European Commission’s Annual Research Conference will take place on 15 November 2021.

The theme of this year’s edition is ‘Charting the European economy post Covid-19: unusual times require unconventional policies’.

The European Commission, Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs, is running a call for posters for young researchers in the fields of economics or finance on the theme of the conference. The call for posters is open to PhD students and those who finished their PhDs no more than six years ago.

Up to 10 researchers will be selected to present their poster in a dedicated session at the Conference. Furthermore, up to three could be given the opportunity to present their work to the Commission on a three-day working visit.

More information on the call for posters: Annual Research Conference 2021 | European Commission (