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8 Dec - 9 Dec


Citizen's Energy Forum

Organised by European Commission


The European Commission is organising the 2021 edition of the Citizen’s energy forum as a “hybrid” event, both on-site and virtual, taking into account the uncertainty of travel due to COVID and to open up for a larger participation.

The structure of the forum will be slightly different compared to previous years. Day 1 will open with a plenary session followed by 4 parallel sessions. Day 2 will be a full plenary in 3 sessions using a “TED Talk” style format. The forum conclusions will as usual close the event.

Content-wise, Day 1 will take place in the context of the Fit-For-55 Package, the upcoming Gas Decarbonisation Package, and recent price hikes. The plenary session will look at immediate and structural measures to protect vulnerable customers against price hikes, as well as consumer trends in an increasingly decarbonised, digitalised and integrated energy system. The parallel session will discuss key consumer issues that require further attention in order for the energy transition to work, including building consumer trust, engagement of energy poor and vulnerable households, protection of decarbonised heat and gas consumers, as well as digitalisation. Day 2 will provide behavioral insights on what makes citizens tick, and share hands-on advice and inspirational examples on how one can decarbonise their energy lifestyle and find the most suitable offer on the energy market.

More details and registration: Citizen's Energy Forum | European Commission (