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9 May - 24 Jun


EU Online Film Festival 2021 South Korea, 9 May - 24 June

Organised by EU Delegation to the Republic of Korea


The European Film Festival (EUFF) is a celebration of rich cultural diversity of Europe, as viewers get a taste of different lifestyles from countries across the European Union. These critically-acclaimed independent movies display the best of European cinema with award-winning actors, directors and film crews. This year, celebrating the Europe Day on 9 May, we unveil our pick of 10 critically acclaimed European films for 2021. These new independent movies from across Europe will continue to challenge the limits of our imagination with artistic storytelling on the canvas of film. Our pick of 10 critically acclaimed movies from across the EU are open to Korean audience. Click the link, create account, sign in and you are all set to watch them for free. Each movie has 400 free virtual tickets available.