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Tuesday, 13 Sep


European Green Deal - Greening EU cooperation

Organised by INTPA


Objectives of the course

The overall objective of this series of webinars on “European Green Deal - Greening EU cooperation” is to enhance participants’ knowledge and understanding of the European Green Deal and its implications for EU cooperation; and strengthen the capacity of the participants in “Greening EU cooperation” through integrating environment and climate change-related themes into all sectors and all instruments of EU international partnerships.

The specific objectives of this Water and adaptation webinar are for participants to:

  • Enhance participants’ knowledge on understanding of water in relation to climate change adaptation;
  • Discuss the opportunities and challenges linked to interlinkages between water and climate change adaptation, notably in the frame of the identification and formulation of actions;
  • Be acquainted with some cases and tools – exchange on good practices.


The webinar will cover:

  • Introduction to Water, Climate Change Adaptation: interlinkages
  • Key Frameworks addressing Water and Adaptation
  • UN Paris Agreement and related processes
  • Regional Frameworks
  • European Green Deal / EU priorities for Water and climate change adaptation
  • MIPs and Partner Country Priorities for Water and Adaptation

Concrete action (implementation): Good practice examples

  • Presentation of concrete case studies (from EUD and implementing partners)
  • Opportunity to exchange on presented case studies

Target audience

Open to all EU staff working in EU Delegations or Headquarters. In particular those dealing with cooperation areas related to water and to climate change.

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