Wednesday, 3 Mar
2021Facilitating Remote Participatory Filmmaking in times of Covid-19
Organised by Simon Koolwijk
When in early, 2020 half of the world was going through a lockdown and people had to work from home due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Ralf Otto and Simon Koolwijk facilitated on behalf of ReflACTION a remote participatory filmmaking process from their homes. Refugees living in Germany, Turkey and Uganda were guided in filming and interviewing themselves on how the Covid-19 epidemic had impacted their lives.
Simon will share one of the documentaries and facilitate an interactive virtual workshop discussing the lessons from one of the documentaries and on how the process can be and was facilitated. The maximum number of participants will be 30 people. Participation is free of charge. If questions, contact Simon Koolwijk, e-mail. faccom@xs4all.nl
More information: Facilitating Remote Participatory Filmmaking in times of Covid-19 | Capacity4dev (europa.eu)
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