Wednesday, 14 Jul
2021Side Event: The SDGs as the Compass for Recovering after the Pandemic and Building Forward Better
Organised by European Commission and the Government of Slovenia
The COVID-19 crisis constitutes an unprecedented challenge for Europe and the world. While the pandemic is threatening progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) it has at the same time shown the importance for their effective and comprehensive implementation. The extent of this crisis increases even further the urgency of ending poverty, halting climate change and biodiversity loss, as well as other environmental degradation, and building more inclusive and prosperous societies. Now is therefore the time to renew and strengthen our commitment to the SDGs. The full implementation of the 2030 Agenda is crucial for guiding our path to recovery, strengthening resilience and preparing the world for future crises. Relaunching the economy does not mean going back to the status quo before the crisis, but taking forward the agenda of sustainability and resilience. The European Union is determined to do this with great ambition.
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