23 Nov - 25 Nov
Being a journalist in Europe today
IHECS Brussels and the NGO Journalisme & Citoyenneté (“Journalism & Citizenship”), organizer of the “International Journalism Conference in Tours and Tunis”, have decided to come together to create the “European Journalism Symposium in Brussels”.
The first edition will be held from 23 to 25 November 2022 in Brussels. It will gather about 100 speakers coming from at least 25 different countries. This First edition can also count on over 30 partners across Europe.
The European Journalism Symposium in Brussels is intended to become a reference event to contribute to build European common know-how of a better informed society. It will work cooperatively and alternately with the Tours Journalism conference organized every year for the past 15 years, mostly for francophone journalists and media professionals, and the Tunis Journalism Conference organized every other year since 2018 and bringing together European, Arabic and African journalists and other media professionals.
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