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Tuesday, 14 Dec


Towards a common European strategic culture - The Next Generation EU recovery plan

Organised by EEAS


In a complex and changing world, it is important to understand how the European Union aligns its values and interests with humanity’s common global challenges.

The 2021-2022 conference cycle will address the main international political, economic and cultural challenges of the XXI century and the creation of a common European Union strategic culture through open dialogue with eminent scholars and highly-qualified panellists from various cultures and regions of the world.

This conference cycle is jointly organised by the Royal Academy of Science, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium and the European External Action Service, under the patronage and effective participation of Josep Borrell, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the European Commission.

The conference cycle is co-chaired by Didier Viviers, permanent Secretary of the Academy, and Professor Mario Telò, who, as scientific director, will introduce the 2021-2022 programme.

More info: Event: Towards a common European strategic culture - The Next Generation EU recovery plan - European External Action Service (