Call for papers - Covid and the economy
DG ECFIN is organizing a conference with the title “The COVID-shock and the new macroeconomic landscape: taking stock and looking ahead”.
The global economy is on an uncertain recovery path from the unprecedented pandemic recession. Policymakers need to evaluate the new macroeconomic landscape and formulate macroeconomic policy appropriately. In this context, DG ECFIN is organizing a conference on the theme "The COVID-shock and the new macroeconomic landscape: taking stock and looking ahead" in cooperation with the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and the European Economic Review.
The conference will bring together researchers and policymakers to discuss innovative research on the crisis' legacies such as public debt and inequality (across demographic groups, sectors, and countries). The event will also look ahead and analyse how growth and inflation prospects are affected by public debt levels, structural changes and scarring effects induced by the pandemic, and by policies (such as NextGenerationEU) to tackle these issues.
To submit a research paper by 1 May 2022, please see the call for papers: Call for papers: “The COVID-shock and the new macroeconomic landscape: taking stock and looking ahead” | European Commission (