Wednesday, 24 Mar
During this year’s Brussels Conference on Supporting the future of Syria and the Region, Humanity & Inclusion will organise a panel discussion on 10 years of conflict and how it led to Syria having the highest recorded prevalence of disability in conflict worldwide.
The panel will discuss the latest data, gaps in delivery of inclusive aid, and intersecting vulnerabilities like disability and displacement, and disability and sex e.g.:
- disability prevalence (> 12 years): 25% in the Whole of Syria (WoS); 36% among Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs);
- vulnerability of displaced women (> 12 years): 41% of female IDPs have a disability, compared to 30% of male IDPS, and in camps 51% of women have a disability, compared to 29% of men;
- regional variation: 51% of returnee households have at least 1 member with disabilities; 74% of IDP households in the northwest have at least 1 member with disabilities; 81% of in-camp households in the northeast have at least 1 member with disabilities.
Syrian women and men, boys and girls with disabilities, including those in neighbouring countries, live in extremely vulnerable situations: they face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, including increased barriers to accessing support and life-saving services, and often face more protection risks than people without disabilities. At the same time funding for an inclusive humanitarian response in Syria and for programmes that service Syrian refugees with disabilities in Lebanon and Jordan is at risk.
The aim of the side event is to call on donors to consider the latest evidence on drivers of extreme vulnerability, such as heightened prevalence of disability, barriers to humanitarian assistance and intersecting factors affecting the majority of the Syrian population when deciding on funding priorities, and to emphasise the ever-increasing need for inclusion mainstreaming.
Organiser: Humanity & Inclusion - Handicap International (HI)
Date: 24/03/2021 9:30-10:30 CET
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